Dill Family Adoption

Friday, October 8, 2010

Adoption Planner

We received our Adoption Planner from All God's Children, Inc. yesterday in the mail!  The kids were ecstatic!

Once we fill these papers out, along with fingerprinting, paperwork from Catholic Charities (Home Study Ageny), three more home studies, etc., etc., then we can be put on the waiting list for our child!  It is very exciting, but a lot of work.  The kids are trying to keep us on task.  The first exercise was to draw a picture of what we thought our child would look like.  We got a lot of laughs out of that one, as I am not an artist (but am better at it then David)!  The kids want us to be finished with all the paperwork NOW.  "One day at a time," I say.  Pray that I will stay diligent, as life is busy right now.

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